2020/21 Upper Deck Stature Hockey Hobby Box

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Configuration: 1 pack per box. 8 cards per pack.


- 2020-21 Stature is loaded with autographs - all of which are hard-signed!
- The 200-card Base Set consists of 100 star veterans and retired legends, and 100 rookies. Each base rookie card is numbered to 399.
  - Collect up to nine parallels of the Base Set, including five autograph parallels, highlighted by the 1-of-1 Black Auto parallel. Seven of the nine parallels are numbered     to 99 or less!
  - Also collect the Portrait Variant of the complete Base Set, and up to five parallel sets. Lucky collectors will find awesome Patch Auto parallel cards numbered as low as 1!
- This year’s edition boasts three intriguing insert sets:
  - NEW! Protégés: Features the best-of-the-best 2020-21 rookies.
  - Century Momentous: Consists of some of the greatest players in the history of the game. The non-autographed versions will highlight a crowning achievement in the   career of each player - from a notable statistical record to hoisting the Stanley Cup.
  - NEW! Gravitas: Features the top veteran players in the game today.
 - Like the Base Set, you can collect up to nine parallels of each, including five autograph parallels, as well as a stunning Patch Auto Variation set. Seven of the nine parallels are numbered to 75 or less!


- 2 Base Set Veteran and/or Legend Cards
- 1 Base Set Rookie Card (#’d to 399)
- 1 Autographed or Autographed Patch Card
- 1 Regular Insert Card
- 1 Non-Autographed Parallel Card #’d 99 or Higher
- 1 Non-Autographed Parallel Card #’d 85 or Less
- 1 Additional Rookie, #’d Parallel or Autographed Card



Autographed Patch Cards
- Base Set Portrait Variant - Patch Auto Parallel Varied #’ing
- Base Set Portrait Variant - Red Patch Auto Parallel Varied #’ing
- Base Set Portrait Variant - Purple Patch Auto Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- Base Set Rookies Portrait Variant - Patch Auto Parallel #’d to 33
- Base Set Rookies Portrait Variant - Red Patch Auto Parallel #’d to 9
- Base Set Rookies Portrait Variant - Purple Patch Auto Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- NEW! Protégés Patch Auto Variation Varied #’ing
- Century Momentous Patch Auto Variation Varied #’ing
- NEW! Gravitas Patch Auto Variation Varied #’ing

Autographed Cards
- Base Set - Auto Parallel 1:4
- Base Set - Green Auto Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 65
- Base Set - Green Auto Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 25
- Base Set - Red Auto Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 35
- Base Set - Red Auto Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 10
- Base Set - Blue Auto Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 10
- Base Set - Blue Auto Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 5
- Base Set - Black Auto Parallel (Tier 1) #’d 1-of-1
- Base Set - Black Auto Parallel (Tier 2) #’d 1-of-1
- Base Set Rookies - Auto Parallel #’d to 199
- Base Set Rookies - Green Auto Parallel #’d to 85
- Base Set Rookies - Red Auto Parallel #’d to 45
- Base Set Rookies - Blue Auto Parallel #’d to 15
- Base Set Rookies - Black Auto Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- NEW! Protégés - Auto Parallel 1:6
- NEW! Protégés - Green Auto Parallel #’d to 49
- NEW! Protégés - Red Auto Parallel #’d to 15
- NEW! Protégés - Blue Auto Parallel #’d to 5
- NEW! Protégés - Black Auto Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- Century Momentous - Auto Parallel 1:50
- Century Momentous - Green Auto Parallel #’d to 25
- Century Momentous - Red Auto Parallel #’d to 10
- Century Momentous - Blue Auto Parallel #’d to 5
- Century Momentous - Black Auto Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- NEW! Gravitas - Auto Parallel 1:60
- NEW! Gravitas - Green Auto Parallel #’d to 25
- NEW! Gravitas - Red Auto Parallel #’d to 10
- NEW! Gravitas - Blue Auto Parallel #’d to 5
- NEW! Gravitas - Black Auto Parallel #’d 1-of-1

Non-Autographed Insert Cards (w/ Parallels)
- NEW! Protégés 1:2
- NEW! Protégés - Green Parallel #’d to 149
- NEW! Protégés - Red Parallel #’d to 75
- NEW! Protégés - Blue Parallel #’d to 25
- NEW! Protégés - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- Century Momentous 1:4
- Century Momentous - Green Parallel #’d to 149
- Century Momentous - Red Parallel #’d to 75
- Century Momentous - Blue Parallel #’d to 25
- Century Momentous - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- NEW! Gravitas 1:4
- NEW! Gravitas - Green Parallel #’d to 149
- NEW! Gravitas - Red Parallel #’d to 75
- NEW! Gravitas - Blue Parallel #’d to 25
- NEW! Gravitas - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1

Non-Autographed Base Set Cards (w/ Parallels & Variations)
- Base Set (1-100) 2:1
- Base Set - Green Parallel #’d to 175
- Base Set - Red Parallel #’d to 85
- Base Set - Blue Parallel #’d to 45
- Base Set - Black Parallel #’d to 20
- Base Set Portrait Variant #’d to 99
- Base Set Portrait Variant - Red Parallel #’d to 25
- Base Set Portrait Variant - Purple Parallel #’d 1-of-1
- Base Set Rookies (101-200) #’d to 399
- Base Set Rookies - Green Parallel #’d to 175
- Base Set Rookies - Red Parallel #’d to 85
- Base Set Rookies - Blue Parallel #’d to 45
- Base Set Rookies - Black Parallel #’d to 20
- Base Set Rookies Portrait Variant #’d to 99
- Base Set Rookies Portrait Variant - Red Parallel #’d to 25
- Base Set Rookies Portrait Variant - Purple Parallel #’d 1-of-1



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